Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants

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This textbook is known for its comprehensive coverage, readability, and visual presentation. This revision builds on these strengths, adding new content and features to better address learning needs and practice realities. Increased emphasis on delegation and safety help prepare students to function most effectively in today's practice settings.Comprehensive coverage of nursing assistant responsibilities in all settingsNearly 1,000 full-color photos and drawings provide clear, visual explanation of concepts and actionsLearning Objectives for each chapter help students focus on information presentedKey Terms with definitions help students understand chapter contentStep-by-step procedures detail skills and are divided into pre-, procedure, and post-procedure sections for easier learningIcons in section headings alert student to associated procedureFocus On... boxes address the special needs of children, elders, long-term care residents, and home care patientsCaring about Culture boxes provide information to help students learn about the practices of other culturesChapter Review Questions help students evaluate learningQuality of Life sections in the procedures remind students to show respect for the person by performing simple courtesies such as knocking before entering the room, calling the person by name, and moreUNIQUE! Mosby's Nursing Assistant CD-ROM, bound in the text, includes 25 procedures with corresponding video clips & exercises, an audio glossary, and Body Spectrum - an electronic anatomy coloring book. Delegation Guidelines detail the nurse assistant's responsibilities when accepting specific delegated tasksSafety Alerts provide cautions and proper techniques for protecting both staff and patientsAppendix provides basic Spanish health care terminology to help students communicate effectivelyIncorporates the new 2002 CDC Hand Hygiene Guidelines so students learn when and how to use both traditional handwashing techniques and the new alcohol-based cleaning agentsNew chapter on Residents in Assisted Living Settings prepares students to practice in this growing care settingSeparate chapter on Assisting with the Nursing Process helps students understand how their role fits in to the nursing teamNew procedures include Chair or Wheelchair to Bed Transfer, Transferring a Person to and from a Toilet, and Preparing the Person for MealsNew chapter on Restraint Alternatives and Safe Restraint Use focuses on the proper techniques for applying restraints as well as strategies to protect patient safety without the use of restraintsNNAAP highlighted skills alert students to skills that are part of the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP™) examNew content on meeting standards for licensure, certification, and accreditation alerts students to information they must know to practiceSafety chapter has been updated and expanded to include content on bed rail entrapment, crib safety for children, household poisons, wheelchair and stretcher safety, and bomb threats. - from Amzon
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