Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach, Fifth Edition

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The new edition of this popular text offers a clear, straightforward way to understand the often intimidating subject of psychiatric nursing. Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style engage the reader in a learning process that both informs and enlightens. Clinical chapters progress consistently and logically from theory to application. Specific psychobiological disorders are organized from moderate to severe along the mental health continuum. The nursing process is the strong, visible framework throughout.User-friendly writing style and a full-color design make psychiatric nursing content come alive! Case studies and personal stories show a compassion and understanding unique among psychiatric nursing texts. Special features are easily located and identified.Nursing process framework provides a strong underpinning for all clinical chapters. A sixth step, Outcome Criteria, identifies specific patient outcomes, then justifies the subsequent nursing interventions based on results.Assessment Guidelines boxes provide summary points for client assessment.Spiritual assessment is found in Assessment Strategies and the Nursing Process and Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve.Biologic Basis for Understanding Psychotropic Drugs lays the foundation for the study of psychotropic drug therapy to treat psychobiologic disorders.Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve chapter provides holistic nursing interventions related to end-of-life care for clients and families.Case Studies and Nursing Care Plans present individualized histories of clients with specific psychiatric disorders, and include interventions with rationales and evaluation statements for each client goal.Vignettes offer brief, descriptive characterizations of clients with specific psychiatric disorders.A Nurse Speaks spotlights individual psychiatric nurses and their personal stories.Key Terms and Concepts with page number references allow for quick review.Critical Thinking and Chapter Review sections offer scenario-based critical thinking problems and NCLEX-style multiple-choice questions, allowing students to test themselves on the chapter content.Nurse, Client, and Family Resources lists are provided on the book's Evolve website.A dynamic author team offers a breadth of experience in nursing education and practice.Tear-out Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Card is a valuable tool for students to use in clinicals.Completely revised Culturally Relevant Mental Health Nursing: A Global Perspective provides basic information on culture, worldviews, and what is necessary for culturally competent care.Psychiatric Forensic Nursing discusses this new and expanding specialty involving nursing, forensics, and the criminal justice system.Forensic Highlights boxes focus on the nurse's role in dealing with sexual assault, family violence, and incarcerated persons.Evidence-Based Practice boxes demonstrate how research findings affect psychiatric nursing practice and standards of care.Integrative Therapy boxes discuss the increasing popularity and significance of complementary and alternative therapies.Culturally Speaking boxes reinforce the importance of culturally competent care.A Client Speaks and A Family Speaks bring to life disorders and their effects on clients, their families, and those who care for them.Back by popular demand: communication tables in The Clinical Interview and Communication Skills.Key Points to Remember appear at the end of each chapter to reinforce essential information. - from Amzon
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